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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Love my work? Commission or consider donating!

Since i'm too cheap to pay to upgrade to a business account to receive donations the standard way, just forward the money directly to my Paypal account at the following address:


Make sure to NOT mention the site name or anything adult content related when sending the money (unless you want my Paypal account closed). Also, forward the payment as "send money to friends and family" and not "pay for goods and services" to avoid the Paypal fee. Anybody who wishes to commission some work just leave a message in the shoutbox.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Viper CTR Fan Film

Using gifs ripped from Viper CTR, i crafted a short film compiling Miki's best scenes and embedded it with authentic sounds from the game. Truly one of the most laborious projects i've done in my free time, and i'm pleased to say the film is complete. Get downloading! (if you haven't already)

Password: viperctr
MKV H264 -- 47 MB
SWF (full quality) -- 66 MB